Good cluck if you think you can find a better blog than this for unique and unusual chicken crackers! This blog is at the top of the pecking order when it comes to witty one-liners, hen-based humor, and egg-based banter.
I've done all the scrambling around for cheeky and chirpy chicken jokes for you, and I promise you at least a dozen jokes you won't have laid your eyes on before…because I hatched 'em myself!
Henjoy this hensemble of 110 chicken crackers.
99 Chicken & Egg Jokes + 10 Chicken Crossing The Road Jokes😂
There's no way you can get through life without at least one egg-based war of the words! I'd be eggs-tremely impressed if you had!
- Why didn't the chicken like her new hoodie? She couldn't pullet off.
- What happens when a chicken looks at a lettuce? Chicken sees-a salad.
- Why can't you let Elsa carry an egg? Because she'll let it go (credit to my daughter, Millie!)
- What happens when a chicken looks at a lettuce? Chicken sees-a salad.
- What do you get when you feed a chicken a four-leaf clover? The cluck o'the Irish!
- I've ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know which one comes first!
- What do you call a 35-year-old chicken? Eggs-tinct.
- What did the midwife say to the rooster? "Congratulations Daddy, look what Marma-laid!"
- What do mama chickens call their excess tummy fat? Their egg rolls.
- How do chickens build their homes? They start from scratch.
- What did the spotty chicken say? "Help, I have people-pox!"
- How do you know when a chicken has been naughty? It’s wearing hen-cuffs.
- What did the egg say after it was ghosted by its ex? Why are you egg-noring me?
- Why are chickens so great at saving money? They're always working on their nest egg.
- A piece of toast and a hard-boiled egg walked into a bar…The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.”
- Why can't chickens get rich? They're working for chicken feed.
- What's the door to a chicken coop called? The hentrance.
- What do you get when you cross poultry with a poodle? A Cock-a-poodle-doo.
- Why was the egg so chirpy? He just got laid!
- Why did the rooster go to KFC? He wanted to sneak a peek at the chicken strippers.
- Why did the rooster cross the road? He was chuckin' out the chicken!
- What did the hen say to her hubby after an argument? "Come on, let's bury the hatchet"
- What’s a chicken’s favorite dessert? A peck-an pie.
- Why did the chicken cross the court? The ref called a fowl.
- Which is the toughest chicken in town? Attila the Hen.
- What do chickens eat at the park? A peck-nic.
- Did you hear about the rooster who wouldn’t stop cursing? There was some very fowl language.
- What do you call someone who steals a chicken? A chicken-pot pirate.
- What dance do chickens refuse to do? The foxtrot.
- What do chickens order at a Chinese restaurant? An eggroll.
- Why did the chicken quit class? It wasn't what it was cracked up to be!
- What happened to the chicken who popped into KFC? She kicked the bucket!
- What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? A brick layer!
- What kind of birds are found growing on trees? Poultry.
- Why did the chicken join a band? He wanted to be a chicken drummer.
- How do chickens tell the time? A cuckoo cluck!
- What do you call a stinky coward? A funky chicken.
- What happened to the chicken whose feathers were all pointing the wrong way? She was tickled to death!
- Why don't chickens trust people? Why would they? They beat eggs!
- Why did the rooster run away? He was being a chicken!
- What do chickens grow on? Eggplants!
- Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.
- What happens when a hen eats gunpowder? She lays hen-gren-eggs!
- What does a chicken need to lay an egg every day? Hendurance.
- Why was the chicken late for school? She's had a lay-in.
- What do you call a rooster who wakes you up at the same time every morning? An alarm cluck!
- How does a chicken mail a letter? In a hen-velope.
- What do you call the outside of a hand gren-egg? The bombshell!
- What do you call a chicken's outfit? An Hensemble.
- Why don't roosters wear pants? Their peckers are on their face (oh my!)
- What do you call a bird that's afraid to fly? Chicken.
- What is a chicken’s favorite movie? A Cluckwork Orange
- There is a chicken who only lays eggs in the winter. She's no spring chicken.
- What time should you start telling chicken jokes? Half-past hen.
- What's the perfect gift for a chicken with a cold? A hen-kerchief.
- Where do chickens go sightseeing? Stone-hen-ge.
- What's a chicken's favorite dessert? Coop-cakes.
- Why do chickens look so tired? They work around the cluck.
- What do you get when you cross a chicken and a ghost? A poultry-geist.
- Who should you call when your coop is haunted? An eggsorcist
- What did the doctor tell the chicken with high cholesterol? “Lay off the eggs for a while.”
- Why do so many people love a boiled egg for breakfast? It’s so hard to beat.
- What do you call an egg who likes to go on safari? An eggs-plorer!
- What did the rooster say after he broke wind? Eggs-cuse me!
- What happens when a hen lays at 3.00am? She lays devilled eggs!
- What’s the most common crime in chicken-land? Poaching!
- What do you call a mischievous egg? A practical yolker!
- Why did the egg get pulled over by the cops? He liked to egg-celerate too much!
- What did the angry hen say to her child? You’re such a rotten egg!
- Why did the rooster ask the hen out on a date? He was feeling plucky!
- What did the egg say after acing its test? “Omelet smarter than I look!”
- What did the officer say to the egg after he pulled it over for speeding? Omelettin’ it slide, just this once.
- What sport are eggs best at competing in? Running.
- What’s an egg’s favorite type of coffee? Eggspresso!
- Why did the chicken stop eating out with her friends? She was sick of shelling out.
- What happens to chickens that don't study? They fail their eggs-ams.
- Why don't eggs like horror films? They get terri-fried.
- How did the chicken feel after a long day on the farm? Eggs-hausted!
- I saw an egg behaving weirdly today. He was a bit egg-centric.
- I saw a ‘Free Range Eggs’ sign earlier. I’ve never tried 'Range Eggs' before, but seeing as they were free I took a few.
- I’ve decided to put my eggs all in one basket from now on. I look ridiculous walking around the supermarket with 6 of them.
- An egg walked into a bar and cracked a joke. It was messy.
- What sound does a pessimistic rooster make? Cock a doodle dont.
- How do chickens look when you remove their feathers? Plucking terrible.
- What are chickens most afraid of? The Apeckalypse.
- Where in the US will you see most chickens? Yolkahoma.
- Where in the US do chickens avoid visiting? Kentucky.
- How do you get a chicken to read your blog? Cluckbait.
- What do chicken philosophers love to debate? The meaning of eggsistence.
- What advice do all hens give their chicks? Say no to crack.
- A boy walks into a house with a fried egg on his head. His mom asked, “Why have you got a fried egg on your head, son?” The boy replied, “Duh, boiled eggs roll off.”
- My hubby said to me, “Hun, a bit of advice. You can’t make an omelet…”
- “Without breaking eggs?” I finished for him. “No. You just can’t make an omelet,” he said, as he fed it to the dog.
- What is an egg’s favorite tree? The y-oalk.
- Why did the mother hen rinse out her chick’s mouth with soap? He was using fowl language.
- What does an egg say when it's meditating? “Ohmmmmmmm…let.”
- Who wrote the book Great Egg-spectations? Charles Chickens.
- What do you call a self-obsessed egg? An eggomaniac.
- What happens when a chef takes a golf day? His eggs end up par-dboiled.
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road Jokes
Personally, I think it's a bit eggs-treme scrutinizing a chicken's motives to simply cross a road, but let's try and crack the mystery…
Q: Why did it take the chicken so long to cross the road?
A: The eggs-press lane was closed!
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the mud, and then cross the road again?
A: Because he was a dirty double-crosser!
Q: Why did the gum cross the road?
A: Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot.
Q: Why did the chicken stop in the middle of the road?
A: He fancied a round of squash!
Q: Why did the rooster cross the road?
A: He'd spotted the chicken, and was feeling clucky.
Q: Why did the rooster cross the road?
A: To prove he wasn't chicken!
Q: Why did the rooster cross the road?
A: He needed to cockadoodle dooo something!
Q: What happened when the elephant crossed the road?
A: He squashed the chicken.
Q: What do you call a chicken crossing the road?
A: Poultry in motion.
Q: Why did the chicken only cross halfway over the road?
A: She wanted to lay it on the line!
Q: Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?
A: It needed to stretch its legs.
There are NEVER enough chicken jokes. Come on, let's have it! Share your best chicken yolks with the class…
One thing's for sure: you'll have to have a sense of humor if you want to keep chickens! Their funny little ways will tickle you, and their chaos and quirkiness will test your GSOH to its limits.😊
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