While its origins are in pilgrim times, this gorgeous breed of chicken delivers everything modern keepers could want. From its lush and eye-catching plumage to its great laying abilities and sweet temperament, the Plymouth Rock really is a rockstar when it comes to ideal chicken breeds 😍.
If you’re egg-cited at the prospect of large, fresh eggs from your very own backyard coop, the Plymouth Rock is perfect. You can expect at least four large and delicious eggs per week from each hen you keep - meaning even a small flock of three hens will provide you with over a dozen eggs every week!
Ready to rock with your dream flock? Read on to become an eggspert in keeping Plymouth Rock chickens.
What you can expect to know by the end of this article:
- Survey results from real-life Cochin owners
- Egg-laying abilities
- Key breed characteristics
- Temperament
The Nitty Gritty - survey results from real-life Plymouth Rock owners
Recognizable by their gorgeous feathers, it’s easy to see why so many owners have gravitated towards owning these beautiful birds. In fact, over 90% of owners surveyed say they would happily own Plymouth Rock chickens again, let's take a look at why.
On average, how many eggs do your Plymouth Rock hens lay per week?
First off, almost 3/4 of owners surveyed noted their friendly, calm nature as the leading reason the Plymouth Rock is their pick of the bunch.

Egg Laying Abilities
Egg-ceptional egg production is definitely a drawcard with this breed, as noted above, 45% of surveyed owners report 5 eggs per week per hen, with a further 35% receiving 6 eggs per week per hen. That's almost one egg, per day, per hen or around 200 eggs hen per year - simply outstanding!
It’s easy to see why Plymouth Rock chickens have been a favorite for generations and why they have received four and a half out of five stars in the Chicken People's Choice Awards. If you are a proud Plymouth Rock owner, we’d love to hear from you so please have your VOTE NOW!
Would you choose to own a Plymouth Rock chicken breed again?
But wait, there’s more! If we haven't already convinced you about Plymouth Rock, we’re about to delve deeper into the details.
Key Breed Characteristics Of The Plymouth Rock
It’s true the Plymouth Rock has been a leading dual-purpose breed of choice for many years, but it's not just about following trends, she’s an incredibly well-rounded hen.
Size - Plymouth Rock hens are an average size at around 6.5lbs, the roosters by comparison weigh a smidge more at approximately 7.5lbs. Also available in a bantam variety, the hens weigh in at 2.5lbs and roosters at 3lbs.
Appearance -As a full feathered, fluffy breed, these hens are cuddly and soft. Their bright red comb and wattles paired with their rich yellow beak and legs make them outstanding to look at.
Average life span - 6-8 years though some Plymouth Rock hens have been known to live 10-12 years! As with all chickens the better the coop and protection from predators the better their lifespan will be.
Age of maturity - Plymouth Rock hens are ready to begin laying between just 8-12 weeks of age. Meaning you can enjoy delicious fresh eggs in no time at all!
Available colors - Plymouth Rock chickens come in a vast variety of colors and patterning including - black, white, buff, Columbian, buff Columbian, multiple penciled partridge (triple laced) multiple penciled silver partridge, barred, red barred, blue laced, and red porcelain. 🙌🏼
Climate Suitability - Plymouth Rock hens are renowned for their hardiness in even the coolest climates. They can be kept in warmer climates, but ample amount shade and water are needed.
Egg type - Large, caramel brown colored (and full-flavored!).
Is The Plymouth Rock Right For Your Flock?
As with so many owners, the leading criteria for choosing a breed of chicken is its temperament. It is here where the Plymouth Rock truly shines.😍
Plymouth Rock Temperament - All Bock And No Bite
These happy and inquisitive birds love being fussed over! Many Plymouth Rocks enjoy being lap birds, being snuggled up close to their owners and cuddled by children is their jam.
As Plymouth Rock hens cannot fly high or far, they’re ideal for backyard coops, and from all reports, they form such close attachments to their owners, they wouldn't fly far even if they could!
Plymouth Rock roosters, just like their female counterparts, are calm and happy to go with the flow.
Ready For Feathered Fun?
Has the Plymouth Rock made your shortlist? If, so great choice! If you're ready to delve right into raising Plymouth Rocks but you’re still not entirely sure where to start, cluckily, our friends over at Chickenpedia have created an amazing Chicken Breeds Course.
This extensive online course shares useful advice on choosing the right chickens for you as well as the size & frequency of eggs laid. You’ll even learn about breed personalities, and be able to use their family-friendly compatibility scale through this well-structured program.
It really is a great way to find your perfect backyard buddies which is why I highly recommend them to all of my readers! The courses are beginner-friendly and filled with vital information to help you raise a happy, healthy flock. As a member, you will get access to ALL their fantastic courses. So, no need to wing it, become a confident chicken keeper. Click here to check out Chickenpedia today!
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