Step aside, ladies. This stunning chicken has every right to strut her fluff! She's sooo pretty…and she knows it.
Bred for their looks, The Gold Laced Wyandotte is the supermodel of chicken breeds: stunning and sassy yet dependable and easy to keep. A beautiful, large, dual-purpose heritage chicken and a dependable layer - what's not to love?
…oh, and if you're anything like me when I first started my chicken journey, it's pronounced "why-en-dot". You're welcome ;-)
Are you smitten by this golden delight of a chicken? Well, of course you are.
Here's everything you need to know about the Gold Laced Wyandotte so you can make an egg-spert call on whether it's the right breed to introduce to your feathered family.
- What Colors of Wyandotte Chicken Are There?
- Why Is the Gold Laced Wyandotte So Popular?
- How Big is The Gold Laced Wyandotte Chicken?
- How Much Space Does a Gold Laced Wyandotte Need?
- Do Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Make Good Pets?
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Good with Kids?
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Roosters Aggressive?
- Do Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Mix Well with Other Breeds?
- How Many Eggs Does a Gold Laced Wyandotte Lay?
- How Big Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Eggs?
- When Will a Gold Laced Wyandotte Start to Lay?
- What's The Lifespan of a Gold Laced Wyandotte?
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Cold Hardy?
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Well Suited to Warmer Climates?
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Prone to Illness?
- What's The History of The Gold Laced Wyandotte?
- Is The Gold Laced Wyandotte Chicken the Right Breed for Me?
- Three Reasons to Choose the Gold Laced Wyandotte Chicken
- Three Reasons Not to Keep the Gold Laced Wyandotte
- How Do Other Chicken Keepers Rate Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens?
Once you've read all about this showstopper of a bird, there's every chance you'll be off to find your own little flock of fancies.
- What Colors of Wyandotte Chicken Are There?
If you're eggs-hibiting your chickens then The Gold Laced Wyandotte is just one of 18 recognized colorings of Wyandotte to pick from in the U.S.
If your chickens are for your eyes only, then the options are endless with specialized breeders offering everything from blue-laced golden girls to purple color varieties. Bring out the Dulux charts!
- Why Is the Gold Laced Wyandotte So Popular?
The Gold Laced Wyandotte is one of the favored colorations of the breed because - strictly between you and me – they're just one of the prettiest colorations of the breed.😍 Don't tell the others I said that.
- How Big is The Gold Laced Wyandotte Chicken?
The Gold Laced Wyandotte is classed as a large breed, and their fabulously fluffy feathers make them seem even bigger than they are. Hens grow to around 6 ½ lbs, and roosters to around 8 lbs. They're rounded, sturdy birds with slim legs. Curves in all the right places, I think.
- How Much Space Does a Gold Laced Wyandotte Chicken Need?
They won't be cranky hanging out in the coop, so long as they have regular access to exercise and graze. They're not a giant breed, but they're still big-bottomed gals and need a decent-sized coop and room to roam. They can fly, but they don't tend to, so they're easy to exercise without flight risk.
Bantams are an option if you are short on space with hens weighing in at around 24-26 ounces and roosters weighing up to 30 ounces. Another chicken for the pickin is the Pekin bantam. All the pazazz without the size. One of my personal fav’s, I love watching their gorgeous feathers move in the breeze, more why Pekins Are The Pick here.
- Do Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Make Good Pets?
Wyandottes in general are sociable chickens, but they're not egg-sactly best-buddy material. They are calm and steady in temperament, and they won't avoid or dislike human attention, but they aren't likely to become your lap-chick. They’re just a little more independent that some of your lap lucky gals out there.
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Good with Kids?
The Gold Laced Wyandotte has a relaxed temperament, mainly because they're quite cocky that they rule the roost and aren't easily ruffled. They're a good - but I wouldn't say great - choice for kids🧒 as they're easy to handle and don't pose a high risk of aggression. Too much unwanted fuss from a three-year-old may result in a little telling off from a mildly mardy hen.
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Roosters Aggressive?
Occasionally, yep, they can be a bit aggressive towards humans. Whilst they're generally non-confrontational there is the odd grumpy old man amongst the breed.
- Do Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Mix Well with Other Breeds?
The Gold Wyandotte will co-habit happily with other chicken breeds, but they are a bit cliquey. They much prefer the company of their own kind to that of other breeds or humans and prefer to huddle together in the corner having a chatter about how pretty they are. Please don't get a single Wyandotte, they need their coop-crew around them.
They're also not easily pushed around, so any challenger to the pecking order will not win the war. They will peck back, and they will rule the roost.
- How Many Eggs Does a Gold Laced Wyandotte Lay?
On average, how many eggs do your Gold Laced Wyandotte hens lay per week?
The Gold Laced Wyandotte is a dependable layer and will treat you to around 4 yummy, light brown eggs a week. Whilst they can lay up to 6 eggs, we like to know what real-world owners think…so we asked them:
50% of the owners we surveyed said they enjoy 4 eggs per week, whilst 43% said it was more likely to be 3.
On the flip side of that omelet, they lay right through the colder months, so your yearly take-home could still be up to 200 eggs. Not just a pretty chick!
- How Big Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Eggs?
The Gold Laced Wyandotte lays large-sized eggs.
- When Will a Gold Laced Wyandotte Start to Lay?
On average you can expect them to get cracking at around 18 to 20 weeks of age. They’re good mamas if you’re looking to breed, but not mega broody, so you might need to help these mother hens along a little and have the incubator on standby.
- What's The Lifespan of a Gold Laced Wyandotte?
This ranges from 5 to 12 years with most sources agreeing on a likely lifespan of 5-6 years. That’s a lot of eggs if you look after this not-so-little diva.
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Cold Hardy?
This breed is a fab choice for colder climates❄️️. Thanks to her stunning winter wardrobe your Gold Laced Wyandotte will continue to lay right through the winter for you, so long as she still gets 10 – 12 hours of daylight.
Of course, she's so special that she has a unique rose-shaped comb. As her 'do' is quite wide and flat it's less susceptible to frostbite giving her another benefit as a cold-hardy choice.
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens Well Suited to Warmer Climates?
They'll cope in warmer conditions, but they won't be happy hens. The Gold Laced Wyandotte pays the price for her beautiful, fluffy down and overheats easily in hotter climates. But remember, as with any hen in extreme heat, it’s access to ample fresh water and shelter form the sun that will aid them in comfort during these times. Chickens are hearty resilient animals.
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte ChickensProne to Illness?
Their dense feathers mean they're a tad more prone to skin and feather parasites than some less fluffy breeds, so I'd recommend swatting up on how to identify and treat lice and parasites. Nothing more to report here! Our friends over at Chickenpedia have a fantastic course on chicken health and it shows you in detail how to identify, treat and most importantly prevent mites and lice. I recommend it to all my readers.
- What's The History of The Gold Laced Wyandotte?
Nobody really knows! Wyandotte chickens were purposefully bred to fill a gap in the market for great utility (or dual-purpose) birds who looked pretty too. The Gold Laced variation of Wyandotte is a Silver Laced Wyandotte cross, but Joseph McKeen of Wisconsin failed to keep up with his admin, so there is no record of this beauties' full lineage. Any thoughts guys? What's your money on?
- Are Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens the Right Breed for Me?
Gold Laced Wyandottes are a great all-rounder chicken and they're suitable for beginners and egg-sperts alike. If you're after a mega-friendly, super cuddly, Silkie Chicken like breed of chicken, then they might not be your first choice. But, other than their sassy streak, they're an all-round good egg that will make such a beautiful addition to your backyard!
- Top 3 Reasons to Choose the Gold Laced Wyandotte Chicken Breed
They're beautiful
Looks aren't everything, sure, but they certainly make for a perfect pic to post and some satisfying chicken watching on a sunny day. Their image is a major plus point.
They're reliable egg layers
Their cold-hardy wardrobe means they lay large eggs all year round so you won't have to switch to the, dare I say the ‘S’ word, supermarket for eggs in the winter.
They don't mind being cooped up
If your ladies need to be in the coop more often than not then this breed is an egg-stremely good choice. They really don't mind a little time in the coop chatting with their fellow fowl.
- Top 3 Reasons Not to Keep the Gold Laced Wyandotte
You're looking for a softy
Look, nobody is perfect! This breed is fluffier in feathers than it is in friendliness. I'm not meaning to do them an injustice, they're a sociable breed, but your relationship will be on their terms and your affection may be more tolerated than enjoyed.
Their aloof persona does give them a quirky personality though. They'll make you cluckle.
You want to add a single chicken to your existing coop
They like to be around their own breed, don't deprive them by separating them from their own breed. Poor gals.
You live in a very warm climate
These fabulous feathers look stunning and offer a cold-hardy chicken, but they don't make for a great summer wardrobe.
- How Do Other Chicken Keepers Rate Gold Laced Wyandotte Chickens?
They love 'em! We asked 81 Gold Laced Wyandotte owners if they would keep them again and a massive 92.6% said that they would! We think the other guys may have got unclucky and owned the odd grump one.
Would you choose to own a Gold Laced Wyandotte chicken breed again?
They're fabulous, aren't they? Want some golden girlies of your very own? Wyandotte treat yourself to this gorgeous girl and make her the next addition to your feathered family.
Before you welcome this prima-poultry-diva into your backyard just make sure you have what you need to give her the red-carpet treatment she'll demand.
Chickenpedia have created the perfect course which makes keeping happy, healthy chickens easy and enjoyable.
There are tonnes of useful advice, guides, chicken statistics and tips. You’ll even learn about breed personalities and how The Gold Laced Wyandotte compares on their family-friendly compatibility chart.
Find your perfect backyard buddies and ace the egg race! Just cluck here to learn more…
Would you agree with the breed's reputation as a sassy soul? We'd love to hear your thoughts and funny stories…and we won't tell her what you say! Poultry-Promise.
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